Realise the World!

Realise the World!

Welcome to Realise the World!

Sharing news and photos of Self Realisation Tours from around the World.


Letter from Shri Mataji

“A new Year has just begun and on this important occasion I convey my Love and blessings to all my children throughout the world.

As we all know from daily news, the world is in a dangerous state. There is abiding hatred and violence. The whole world needs the soothing and loving message of Sahaja Yoga.

I urge you all, especially the National Sahaja Yoga Leaders and Coordinators throughout the world, to do your best to spread the loving and caring message of Sahaja Yoga not only in your own respective countries but, most importantly, in the neighbouring countries by sending out small team of Sahaja Yogis to convey the pure, caring and loving message of Sahaja Yoga.

I wish you all the very best in the New Year and all success in your efforts to spread the loving message of Sahaja Yoga

MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI   (3 January 2010)”

Jai Shri Mataji!

Video of seekers receiving their Self-Realisation around the world.