Realise Japan tour

Thank you to Michael for all the wonderful Japan tour report below….

Now that the Romanian Sahaj Group is with us in Japan, we can feel your report as if we were with you all. They are telling us how much enjoyable it was in Taiwan. And sweet gift from Taiwan brothers and sisters delivered fragrant vibration to the land of Japan to make us feel encouraged to go ahead to our concert here.

Tokyo : Nishi-Shinjuku
Yesterday we had a first concert in Nishi-Shinjuku, near the very center of Tokyo where Shri Mataji once visited in 1995. With the help of two Yoginis from England and Austria, we started to prepare the venue. It was decorated with flower, Sari and many little bit of decorations here and there to amuse those who attended.

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Initially we were told that maximum 5 microphone is possible to operate by one sound engineer but we wanted 9 of them. Eventually they offered all what we need. It seemed our bandhan worked out in a secret way. As soon as the Group started to rehearse the hall was filled with sparkling sound and beautiful vibration.  

2500 leaflets in different shops and lots of emails to various organizations/individuals brought us about 40 precious new comers who enjoyed the tremendous vibration throughout the concert by Sahaj Group. Including new yogis in our collective we were about 60 people who enjoyed the feeling of being together bathing in vibration. Concert started with Maha Mantra with Julia’s beautiful dance with Mudras followed by the nature of Indian music which derived from divine. We could feel the audience was absorbing all these introduction by Simona with much interest. What we observed was something never happened before in Japan. All the people were clapping and moving their hand when Jogawa was on. And clapping continued till the end of Kawallis!

After the concert we saw many people transformed into the mild smiling faces with appreciation and thankfulness. Lots of “yokatta” and “arigatou gozaimasu” here and there. Even the stuff of the hall came to us to tell that it was very enjoyable to himself and asked us to use their hall again for the next opportunities. Some of them were the musician who is practicing Indian music. They looked very much impressed. One of them found it difficult to leave after the concert and came to talk to us. He also sent us the thank you email as soon as he reached home.

Tokyo  :  Minamiosawa
Today we have a plan to go to Kamakura area which is an old capital of  Japan with many Zen temples and gardens. We also might visit the district with many electric shops!

Finally the Japanese part of the NE Asian Tour have finished. We have just had a reluctant good-byes after so many memorable moments with Sahaj Group from Romania and other visiting Yogis.

The night before the program, Shri Adi Shakti Puja was performed with all the yogis and we have enjoyed the long night after the puja with lots of talking and laughings. Then last night was our 2nd concert/program. The venue was in the suburb of Tokyo called Minamiosawa, which is about 50 minutes from Shinjuku. We had about 40 newcomers despite it was during weekdays.

In both the two programs, we have explained the nature of the Indian Music as the divine music. And before every song, Simona presented what is the song about so that people can adopt themselves to something new, which seemed to have worked very well. It was about Shri Ganesha, Shri Shiva, Shri Bhavani…
Julia’s dance/mudras beautifully demonstrated the different symbolism of 12 names of Shri Ganesha. The subtle harmony of “Aum namah Shriva” took all our heart. And again when Jogawa was sung, everyone was enjoying the clapping and the gestures.

As the concert goes on and the group started to perform the Kawallis, the vibration of the hall became so intense that we could feel each one was “participating” the concert rather than merely listening and enjoying it. Everyone’s clapping has merged into uplifting rhythm of “Ali Moula” as if it was one heart-beating of ours. At the back of the stage, some yogis jumped up to dance and some others followed. In a ecstatic joy all the difference has disappeared.
After the concert many people stayed to talk to yogis. One family came to us with very happy face and told enthusiastically how much they enjoyed it. They have lived in Bangladesh for some years before. Other Singaporean lady told us that her sister is practicing SY there. Lots of photos were taken then.

In spite of the short time we spent together, we all felt that we have become one family, eating together, sleeping under the same roof… by the grace of Shri Mataji there was such a joy of being together. It is obvious we are in a historical time of our collective. Our hearts keep on singing the praise of our Mother with overwhelming feeling of thankfulness, Bhakti and love.

After the long farewell, now our heart travel naturally with the group to Korea and the programs there.

We wish all the yogis there the blessing of Shri Mataji and great success of the programs under the guidance of Alex.

Hitoshi and the Yogis of Japan

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